Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do you get hair dye off of your hands, nails, walls, etc.?

I dyed my hair a dark color, and yes I used the gloves provided. When it was time to rinse the dye out, it got all over the place- all over my bathroom, and worse of all, under my nails and on the palms of my hands. It looks awful, and after scrubbing and scrubbing with soap, it is not going away!

I've dyed my hair several times and have never really had this problem. Any intelligent suggestions would be quite helpful. Thanks!

How do you get hair dye off of your hands, nails, walls, etc.?

Rubbing alcohol will remove it from every thing. I used to be a hairstylist it is what I used. You may have to use it several times. If you have alcohol gel to wash your hands that works well too.

How do you get hair dye off of your hands, nails, walls, etc.?


How do you get hair dye off of your hands, nails, walls, etc.?

At some hair salons, like Backstage in Singapore, have this liquid that removes hair dye from any surface. At least, that's what I heard. Good luck with your newly-dyed hands and bathroom!

How do you get hair dye off of your hands, nails, walls, etc.?

try "409" spray cleaner from the grocery store- i've seen it all over the U.S. Don't use 'Fantastic'- because it is not. 409 got iodine off of white cabinets for me.

good luck.

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