Friday, April 27, 2012

How long can I leave RAW hair dye in?

Okay. Little over two weeks ago, I bleached my hair and dyed it using RAW brand Deep Purple. I love the color, it's gorgeous, but it's starting to fade a bit so I'm re-dyeing it the same color, same brand. I've read in quite a few places that the longer you leave semi-permanent hair dye in before you wash it out, the longer it lasts. I was wondering if this was true or not. (I know you can't do something like that with permanent hair dye.) I only left it in for 20 minutes last time, and while I know two weeks isn't too bad, and I'm willing to dye it that often, it would be amazing if I could get it to last longer by doing something as simple as leaving the dye in longer. Any advice is greatly appreciated! thanks!

How long can I leave RAW hair dye in?

if its a true semi permanent, which you dont mix it with anything, just apply and wait, then you can leave it in as long as you like. it wont deposit when dry. apply it to slightly damp, freshly washed *not conditioned* hair. Ive left semi's in for over an hour with no damage, and im a stylist, I know how to play around without killing it. condition after you rinse the color out. the idea is you want the dye to sink in to the clean hair, then seal it in with conditioner, not apply the color to already sealed hair. It lasts longer this way.

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