Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

Just wondering if anyone has some bad hair stories out there?

I really need to cheer myself up...

I recently dyed my hair brown and it came out jet black. I did the right thing went to the salon and she bleached it well but dyed it orange for some reason! Haha, I went home and dyed it a nice brown but now I'm fading to an awful orange...but I'll just wait to grow it out-one cm roots and counting! LOL

Ahh, that's the least of my worries, my parents are fighting like mad, I think my mom has started to hate me for interfering, the guy I like is liking another girl...and I'm gaining weight so quickly now because of the stress.

Sorry just needed to vent! I digress. Thanks for sharing, however!

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

Don't use a hair blower while taking a shower. It might be an electrifying experience.

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

hey its ok! i personally dont have any bad hair stories but its good to tell everyone ur problems. its good to vent! mebe u should talk to a family counseler or just write ur paresnts a letter explaning ur feelings. gaining weight will only make ur problem worse. wat i do when im pissed and stressed, i work out. eat, then gat all ur anger out by sit ups, running, dancing, anything. let ur anger out in that way

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

I went through a phase of dying my hair black at home. After a year, I got tired of black, so I decided to go platinum blonde and bought an at-home bleaching kit. My hair was about shoulder length, and after applying the bleach and then the blueing substance, I rinsed it out, and my hair was 3 different shades! It was orange all over with black and brown spots scattered everywhere. I had to pay 60 dollars at a salon to fix it to the right blonde shade, and the director at the salon referred to bleaching disasters like mine as "Holiday Hair" because of the different colors. Worse, I couldn't get to the salon until after school the next day, and everybody noticed it. I wished I'd worn a hat.

Now, I don't dye my hair. I took the Angelina Jolie route and kept my natural dark brown shade since that incident 4 years ago.

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

When I was younger I had bleached blond hair. I got a perm, and then put a rinse in hair color to tone down the color.

Well, the next day my hair was a seaweed color!!! I had to go to work like this, and my manager sent me to the local beauty school. They worked to get the color out,and after 6 hours in the chair I said cut it. Do you know I went back to work that day and got so many compliments on my hair? They did manage to make it a dark brown-black, and I remember a nice lady telling me I looked gorgeous.

Celebrate-maybe this is a time to try different styles.

About the rest-parents will fight, that is all there is to it. I fight with my future husband and love him til death.

If the guy you like likes another girl, it is meant to be.

Take a walk-do not let life cause you to gain weight.

Hang in there, and pray to God that tomorrow will be a better day.

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

Well this isn't that bad but one summer I wanted to get my hair tapered, like short in the front and long in the back. So I went to this lady who apparently didn't know how to make this look. She took out this tiny little knife and started chipping away at my hair. An hour later I had a head full of split ends, for some reason. So I had to go to another woman and get the entire mess cut off. I ended up with untapered hair three inches shorter than I had hoped :(

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

ok, here is one!

My hair was dark blonde almost brown. I wanted it blonde. when we died it, it turned out golden. So many people laughed at me. Now i have fixed it, but i tried to cut my hair. My hair cut is horrible. i tried to shape my face but i kept going shorter. It is finally growing out! Don't worry u will get through it. Your real friends won't care what it looks like. You can also go to a salon or buy a kit to strip the color away. it is bad far your hair though. best wishes!

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

When i was 6, i decided to cut off all my bangs because i didn't like how they looked, well when i was done, i was left with all these little fuzzy bits at the top of my forehead and they stuck straight up in the air, it took the longest time for that to grow out. Another time when i was 7 or 8 i decided to cut my bangs, well when i got done, they were all lopsided, and at these funny angles. Sorry about what you're going through with your family. eMail me if you want.

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

This should cheer you up a my friend goes to cosmo school and her sister wanted to get her hair dyed. So my friends teachers mix up her color and end up dying her hair red...not a nice red but an ugly red and she is Hispanic so you can imagine how this looks. The funny thing about it is that these teachers all own their own salons and have like 20yrs experience. But wait it gets she goes home and dyes her hair back to brown. Then she decides she wants to go back to the school and try again with a different teacher and the same thing happens again! I'm sure her sister didn't think it was very funny but I found it a bit humorous because these people brag about how great of stylists they are and that they know so much! Anyway I hope you feel better...maybe you could take a walk or go to the gym...that way you could de-stress a bit and feel better about yourself in the process.

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

i have 2 kiddos. all my friends looked so good in all their pics at the hospital after they had their little ones. with the first one, i looked like crap cuz i had a hard labor with her. i decided with my son that i wanted to look good like my friends did. so, i went to the salon to get a staight perm put in my hair. this way i wouldnt have to comb it and it wouldnt frizz up in for the pics. well, when your pregnant the chemicals in your body arent right from everything that is going on with you (hormones, baby growing, etc...). no one warned me that my hair would have a different reaction to the straightener because of this. when the lady took the cap off me my hair starting breaking and falling out like overcooked spaghetti noodles. i couldnt do anything about it. i was not allowed to brush it for over a week. it looked like a rats nest on top of my head. at the time i was in college, so i had to go to school like this. yikes! it took a LONG time to get it normal again.

see, it could be worse. you could have broken, shedding, rat hair like i did. this one should make you feel better! : )

Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

Hi Regretful, Let me tell you a story. Two years ago, my friend dye her hair like she always does. This time she try a difference brand of dye. After she finish with the dye job everything look fine. She went to bed pleased with her hair. When morning came she got up,and was feeling pretty good,until she went into the bathroom. To her Horror,after looking in the mirror,her hair was not even a half of an inch long. In her bed was almost all her hair. Consider yourself every lucky that you still have your hair.The other things my friend,you will just have to go with the follow. A Friend.


Hair dye/cut horror stories? Need someone to cheer me up? :)?

I got a permanent when my hair was really long. It took really well and my hair got so full that my father did not want to take me to church. He was embarassed of me. My mom had to give me a french braid before my father would take me to church. This was a long time ago.

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