what's the best DIY platinum blonde hair dye kit? my hair is light brown and thin. and will it work on my hair?
Blonde platinum hair dye?
never get a hair dye kit for blonde
you need to go to a beauty suply store and get eaither a
lifting dye
and not a bleach kit they tend to be diluted. the grls at the beauty supply store can tell you what one will work best wtih your hair. also what color base you will need.
if i was you i would also do a protein treatment before handto make sure that you pull color evenly.
good luck
Blonde platinum hair dye?
You have to bleach your hair with basic white for a platinum blonde.
I don't suggest you do that if your hair is thin already because that's harsh on your hair.
Blonde platinum hair dye?
Ewwww...I HATE platinum blond when it's NOT natural. It's SO tacky when it's dyed. Right now, brunette/black hair is in. But just be happy with your natural hair color and don't dye it at all.
Blonde platinum hair dye?
You can never color your hair at home, if you are trying to lift it, which is what you are doing if you are going from dark to light, and have it look good. If you are going darker, no problem, but not lighter. These home products do not contain enough bleach to actually give you the result you are looking for. Please spend the money and pay a professional to do it for you!
Blonde platinum hair dye?
You need to go to a beauty supply store (like Sally's) and get some lvl 30 developer and a packet of bleach. Then you need a lvl 20 developer and the color you want. Use the bleach with the lvl 30 (make sure the bleach be can used your scalp there are 2 types the kind you can and the kind that has to be used up off the scalp) and watch hair carefully until you see it turn a pale yellow color to wash it out. Do not wait until it's white, it will fall off. Wash the bleach out with warm water and add conditioner. Then mix the color with the lvl20 follow the ratio on the color bottle. Leave it in your hair for the amount of time it says. (usually 20-30 mins) Don't be afraid to ask for help at the store. Good Luck!
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