Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can you use hair dye intended for use on African American hair on caucasian hair?

That's pretty straight forward. Can you use black girl hair dye on white girl hair? I've heard that you can but that it can fry the everloving crap out of the white girl's hair. What do you suggest?

Can you use hair dye intended for use on African American hair on caucasian hair?

I would suggest buying the proper hair color for your hair could damage your hair .

Can you use hair dye intended for use on African American hair on caucasian hair?

If anything, "black girl" hair dye is less damaging than "white girl" hair dye because of black women and relaxers. But any hair dye can be damaging if you don't use it the right way.

Can you use hair dye intended for use on African American hair on caucasian hair?

I don't see any problem with it. Like the poster above me stated any hair dye has the possibility to cause hair damage depending on how much you use it. Less potential of damage is waiting a few months to apply on hair again as applying on hair after a few weeks is usually not that good..

Also I used 'white girl' hair dye on my hair and had no problem. To be on the safe side, read the ingredients on the box for both African-American and Caucasian hair dye to see any difference.

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