Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hair dye during pregnancy?

this may sound like a daft question but i have no idea lol so thats why i thought id ask.ermm can i dye my hair while being pregnant??

Hair dye during pregnancy?

my cousin asked me the same question while she was pregnant with her third baby.

yeah its perfectly OK to dye your hair while your pregnant, it wont harm the baby or you

go ahead and treat yourself to a new hair colour, u need a little pampering while your pregnant.

oh and congratulations on the pregnancy

Hair dye during pregnancy?

yes. its perfectly fine to. it wont harm the baby


Hair dye during pregnancy?

You can after the first trimester. Try to use ones without a lot of ammonia in them.

Hair dye during pregnancy?

I dyed mine while I was pregnant. I talked to my OB about it and he said there was nothing wrong with it, and I was a high risk pregnancy. People all have different views on this topic.

Hair dye during pregnancy?

they say not to ... i imagine it would be ok.. i was blonde before and when i fell pregant i had it dyed back to natural colour.. i didnt dye it since then! i think it will be fine they just say not to for some reason.

Hair dye during pregnancy?

I would not use any narley ones or bleach, and wear a mask, even if there is no probability of chemical absorption harming the baby the fumes might.

Hair dye during pregnancy?

I just used one of those temporary rinses to make sure

the baby didn't get affected during pregnancy.

Hair dye during pregnancy?

i was in the same dialema as you, i am now 38 weeks pregnant and have held off all this time. but i feel so big and heavy and ugly(cause pregnancy has brought on acne) that i needed something to make me feel better and get rid of my roots lol.

i asked my midwife on tuesday and she said it is fine to dye your hair as long as you are past the first trimester,i still felt abit weird dying it in my third mind you.

try to buy one with low or no amonia and pref not bleach

Hair dye during pregnancy?

if u want to i would use one with less amonia that way the smell wont upset anything and if your still really worried call n ask your doctor thats what there for when u got any questions

good luck

Hair dye during pregnancy?

It is wise to reduce the toxic load on your body as much as possible during pregnancy. It used to be thought that the placenta was a barrier that kept all nasties away from the baby. It is now understood that many substances, including the chemicals in products such as hair dye can get through to the baby.

There is no scientific evidence that these chemicals harm the baby but if you are being prudent, it is best to avoid them especially in the first trimester when most of the development is taking place.

Hair dye during pregnancy?

Most hair dyes now are very low in toxins anyway but the reason it tends to not be recommended is that there is also no proof that it won't do any harm.

Another reason as well is that the hormonal changes in your body can effect your hair in different ways and even if you've used a dye before it could damage your hair or scalp in ways that it hasn't done in the past.

Donna x

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